Our Front Door!

A Close up of the Skeleton Family!

SCARRYYYY!!!!! ----------

I got these neat pumpkin patch things! I love em!
HAPPY FIRST DAY OF HALLOWEEN MONTH!!!Okay – So No, I don’t believe that October is Halloween month but I treat it as such. I was leaving my house this morning (at 5:50 am) running late for the bus when I decided I wanted to stop and take a few quick pictures of our front entrance that I’ve “decked out”. I am pretty proud of it, and I hope it inspires you to do the same! We have been busy this week, Aquaman has needed constant supervision for we feel it’s a little cruel to make him wear his inflate – a – collar nonstop.
We are also helping out with our youth group’s new cRAVE night. It’s going to be worship for Jr High & High School youth, Eric’s playing the drum in the band and I’m working with the message team. It’s going to keep us plenty busy on Tuesday nights, but we’re looking forward to it. We had a big long meeting / practice last night and so tonight we will rest up; our first official night of cRAVE is on October 7th so please pray for its success.
Additionally - make sure you sport your pink to show Breast Cancer awareness month and support loved ones!
Here’s hoping you’re all well! Try out this comment thing if you get a chance, I’d love to hear from you!
♥ Abby
Spent time with the family at Greg's wedding this weekend, which is always fun. Julie and I missed you out on the dance floor!!