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After a few hours of thought about last night’s cRAVE I wanted to blog and share with you the experience we had.

First of all, I should explain (again) cRAVE is a worship service some adults in our church facilitate for youth. It’s an opportunity for kids to experience God in their own way. Church can be kind of daunting for youth who are getting drug there by their parents – cRAVE is a way to be youthful at worship but still worship God in the most awesome ways.

Last night we ran with the theme of Thankful because Thanksgiving is of course just around the corner. Eric gave a short message about being thankful and stopping to just be thankful. He talked about how we think we do things in our lives alone but GOD is there, and as Christians we should be thankful always for the blessings we have. We opened up the mic after that for the youth to bring things up that they were thankful for; a couple youth brought pictures of friends and family and a couple brought things that reminded them of what they were thankful for, and almost everyone who brought something forward spoke about their item in a very contemplative way. It was a very prayerful moment. We also put out a vase and a few stones so you could write what you were thankful on the stone, (share if you wish) and then put the stones in the vase. The vase will reappear at future cRAVEs to add to.

The moment that blew me away was when a young boy from our group (let's call him Joe), who is a very lively and unique boy stepped forward and said “I wrote the word Life on my rock I am thankful for life, because, when I was a baby, I had heart problems and the doctors said I wouldn't live”. It gave me chills, humbled me and made me say, yes, I am thankful that I am happy and healthy.

I wanted to pass that to you; in a non- forward type way. I didn’t get this story in my e-mail and thought it would make you smile, or make you thankful, I heard it last night with my own ears, and I’m thankful for the effect it had on me. Joe reminded me of life's most precious gift, life itself. Our culture gives us this one day a year called Thanksgiving to be thankful for the things in our life. I was humbled lastnight by Joe and am going to try to list things daily that I’m thankful for either on here, or a piece of paper or really just stop to count my blessings. There are so many things in life to be thankful for.
What are you thankful for?
♥ Abby


I am thankful for so many things!
Family (especially parents) they have helped me through so much the last few years and all my life.
Friends who are alway there for me
Tony and the boys
The fact that I have the chance to be at an awesome school learning about stuff I love
Life (lately I have just been too busy to enjoy it, but I'm glad you pointed it out to me)(Oh and Tony and I were in an accident this year that we were very lucky not to slide into the Shoshone river and drown)
and way to many other things to name.
I thought I would just tell you some of mine

And can you say a little prayer for a friend of mine. He was in an motorcycle accident a few weeks ago and was in a coma for a while
I just found out tonight that he passed so I'm not sure if he went or if they pulled the plug on him, But i know you have a big heart and will do that for me. Love you bunches RIP Bryant
Love Amanda
P.S. sorry this is more of a letter than a "comment"

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