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Snow Snow Everywhere!

I can't imagine that anyone from South Dakota is feeling bad for me as I gripe about the snowfall in Seattle. I love every flake as long as I don't have to travel. Currently I'm trying to figure out just how I'm going to get home. The buses are running late and running on alternate routes and I am stuck at work (currently). Our offices are closing at 2 pm and we're all going to venture out into the winter wonderland to get home. I am currently facing two choices, both of which may happen, I'm going to go wait for a bus that may take me near my home. OR rent a hotel room and stay put for the evening. I'll keep you posted on which one happens.
The snow on the otherhand is beautiful. I have never seen so much snow in the city before. I will post the pictures I took on my way to work this morning I was enjoying it more than most!
I look kind of scared in this picture, maybe it's because the bus driver that just dropped me off said "good luck getting home".
The wonderful and famous Pike Place Market in the snow!
Me, listening to Christmas music realizing that I get a white Christmas afterall!

This is a view from my office. It's kind of crazy high up, but you get the picture.
Stay warm ♥ Abby


You're right, I don't feel bad for you.
We finally got water back! Along with the water we got two new leaks in the house.
I can't wait to graduate! I'm not excited to be graduated, I'm excited cause that will be when I get to move out of this place.
I'm happy to see you are so happy about the season, cause the closer and closer it gets to christmas the more and more I find myself being grumpy about it.
Ah! All I want for christmas is it to be January so that it's over.

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