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Ramblings for Friday...

Happy Friday!

I haven’t blogged for a while, I find myself only blogging when I have photos to share… well that’s because that makes my blog posts more interesting (or so I feel). Today I’m blogging … just to blog (and using the word BLOG in various forms way too much). I also find myself a little hard pressed to explain things or communicate them to you without a photo illustration. I guess that’s the photographer in me. I read a few other ladies’ blogs and they have such eloquent and fluent blog style that it makes mine look like a kindergartner wrote it. But I guess practice makes perfect and I’ll never get good if I don’t try.

I hope that this post finds you well (note I didn’t use the word BLOG). I can happily announce that 2009 is treating us well! It’s only 9 days in but sometimes 9 days into a month can tell you quite a bit! I find myself perhaps biting off more than I can chew but, that’s better than being bored I’m sure.

This weekend I was supposed to go “cat cuddling” at Purrfect Pals with Tacy but in a bad turn of events, Tacy isn’t feeling well and we will have to make a date for another time. Sad, but It will be nice to just bum around the house and maybe attack the final bits of my photos for 2008 and finish up my scrapbook. Additionally, Please send prayers Tacy’s way for her back to get better!

Eric & I took Aquaman for the last of his puppy vaccines (until July) last night. He’s such a big baby when he goes to the Vet. He understands where he is and then decides to just ride on the end of his leash like a mop. Speaking of mop, I hope to get a “before and after” photo of him too; he’s going to the groomers next week (hopefully) and he always looks like a completely different dog when Eric brings him home. It also gives him more speed to chase the cat without so much hair holding him back.

Tonight is the Advisor Christmas Party at the Krippaehne residence! YAY! We always have such a great time eating pot luck and exchanging awful white elephant gifts! I can’t wait to see what Eric has come up with for us to give away. I also shudder to think what we might end up bringing home with us. Last year was pretty classic as we framed a photo of a fellow advisor and wrapped it up and put it in the pile in no particular order… and that advisor picked it and was completely freaked out that he picked the framed photo of himself, He was convinced that we tricked him and set him up to pick that present. We kept telling him it was an “act of GOD”; proof for some that evening that GOD has an even better sense of humor than we thought!

Today I leave you with a few bits of random things that have brought a smile to my face… I think you should do this at least once a week… it makes you appreciate the people and things in your life. I happen to blog them now, but I used to journal them weekly.

♥ Eric and I both got new haircuts this week. We look pretty good
♥ Eric got out of his nice warm bed to walk me to the bus stop at 5:40 this morning just because.
♥ Aquaman has been a Mommas boy lately.
♥ Kat brought me “Magic Soup” to make me feel better & it worked!
♥ I have been to Ritz photo every day that I worked this week (I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not – my checkbook can attest that it’s NOT a good thing)
♥ My new Lens’ & my couch are dreams come true!
♥ We’re going to see the Wizard of Oz at the SCT this weekend!
♥ Developing film when you’re not quite sure what’s on it.
♥ Starbucks coffee in lieu of lunch!!!

Have a great weekend!
♥ abby


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