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Social Saturday

Today was filled with quality Animal time... Aquaman woke me up with his pacifier. No I do not give my animals pacifiers as if they were children. This was the toy he came with when we got him - it was "his favorite" that he stole from the breeders grandchild when it was dropped on the floor. He proceeded to chew it completely apart after this photo was taken so I will consider it as an official fair well to the pacifier, most parents fight to get their children to give it up, mine chewed it up himself.

I went over to Tim & Kat's today and took their Golden Retrievers for a walk around the block for a little exercise.
After I got back home around 1 pm Tacy came to pick me up to go Socialize cats at the Arlington Purrfect Pals shelter. It was a long drive from Des Moines but it was so nice to get out to the countryside of Eastern Washington.

As we pulled up to the shelter, this sign greeted us. We knew we were in the right place. There were a ton of cars there when we pulled up, turns out there was orientation for volunteers. We were the only one's there that were non orientation related. Tacy informed me that the building was donated by the founder of Purrfect pals it was her home, and now is a home to hundreds of cats. They have multiple rooms for all different kinds of cats. They have Feral Land for feral kitty's, Geriatric land for the old cats, sick rooms for cats with major health problems, the adoption room for cats that have been screened and are good candidates to be adopted out, FIV room for the cats that have FIV and the Rec room which are nice, but seemingly unadoptable cats for various reasons. No cat is turned away at Purrfect Pals, no matter how sick, mean or mangy looking they are.

Here I am in the Rec room, I sat down on the floor and within seconds my lap was full of fur. We couldn't even learn all their names there were 60 + cats in the room including the fenced in outside yard on the other side of the sliding glass door. We just sat and Loved, and loved and loved on cats that have had slim to no attention paid to them ever. I had a few frequent visitors on my lap but I didn't sit there for longer than a minute with less than two cats on my lap. Chuck the black one closest to my tummy, and the tabby at the end sat on me for close to an hour of my time, and at one point I had a tabby jump up at my face for a hug and then jump off. It's so weird to think that there's a cat at home who wants nothing to do with me, and hundreds of cats here who just want a minute of pets.

They have crunchy food sitting out for them all the time, but they only feed them soft food once daily, and they LOVE feeding time!

These two guys sat up in the cat tree all day, the black one on the backside had the funniest purr. It sounded like he was more talking to you when you were petting him.
This other lady came in to cuddle with kitty's and Danzig (yes Eric I said Danzig) was all about getting love from her. She thinks she knows a couple who would like to adopt him so keep your fingers crossed!

This Siamese cat had the most beautiful eyes! She got put in kitty jail because every time another cat would come near us to get love she would swat at them and get angry.
There they all are, I told you they love feeding time, there's people in the room beyond that door getting their wet supper together. They are all patiently waiting for the dishes to get plopped down in front of them.

This is Chuck. He spent a lot of time on my lap today, Chuck has a lot of health problems anything from kidney to sensitive tummy. Tacy sponsors him on a monthly basis because last time she was in visiting she fell in love with Chuck, I can't deny it, I fell in love with Chuck too - what a sweetheart!

Sadly, the shelter closed at 4pm so we got shooed out of there a little after four. On the way back to the interstate Tacy pulled over so I could grab a few shots of the wonderful countryside we were in. There were a lot of barns and old farm steads with tons of charm that I wanted to take pictures of. Here are a few we stopped for.

After we were done, we hopped back on the interstate and went out for dinner at Leana's Cafe. Tacy is a regular and much to her distaste and efforts, I still managed to snag the check!

All in all, it was a wonderful, spectacular day and Thank you Tacy for all the fun we had today! I can safely say I hope to be going back to pet the kitties soon! I suggest if you're near Arlington you stop in just to love a kitty or two!


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