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Abby is Free from Facebook!

In the season of Lent, the Christian tradition teaches that you should give something up in your life and fast from it to pull your attention back to GOD in this time of reflection.

It reflects the time that Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and was tempted by Satan to give in.

My youth were talking about what they wanted to give up and how hard it was going to be to not text “I’m just going to die if I can’t text!”.

I usually never give anything up for lent, part of it was I was never raised to do so, but another part is in college I would always mean to, and would cave about 4 days into the Lenten season. So, I had to give up something that I could be held accounable for.

This year, I didn’t give it much thought until one of my youth asked me what I was going to give up and challenged me to do “something good”.
So after a little consideration, I’m giving up what seems like a lot of people are giving up this year; FACEBOOK.

As for the accountability factor? Facebook records and posts time whenever you log in or do something in the site. So ... I couldn't get away with it even if "no one saw me".

Now, I made sure to set my status to “giving up facebook for lent, see you in 40 days” to be sure no vital information was left and I would be unaware. Not that anything left on Facebook is ever vital.
But, in announcing that I’ve given this up I should let you know that I’m a complete Facebook addict. I can mindlessly waste hours poking around on Facebook. I always think to myself, ‘I should get up and do this’ but then log into Facebook and 2 or 3 hours later, it’s too late to do ‘this’.

So if the goal of giving things up for Lent is to bring you closer to GOD. Perhaps by giving up my couple of hours of Facebook every day I will pray more, read more, or at least spend more time with my family or writing mindless blog posts ( I thought about giving this up… but didn’t because of my 365 day photo project. )

So sit back and enjoy a Facebook – Free Abby…


Good Luck Dude!!! I know how you are with face book, because I do the some of that but only on myspace!

Hope that goes good!!!

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