Some people have expressed their concern for my well being recently. I have been told I should be certifiably insane for doing what I do. I am here to post the second installment of the bus lock-in's for GLC youth group only this time We took 70 Junior High Kids out and about from 7pm to 7am. We had an amazing time as usual, and If you could hear the screams and excitement pouring out of them though deafening it's a reminder of why I do sacrifice a completely good night's rest to make these kids bus lock-in dreams come true. They love every stinkin second of it. That being said I'm also working on a top ten type list "top ten reasons I don't miss Junior high school"
We started the night out by going to the Family Fun Center in Renton. The bus drivers got a little confused and we had to take a round about way of getting there. The moment we'd get close the the Center the kids on the bus would start screaming because they were so excited. Perhaps I should mention that on Bus lock-in's we don't tell them where we're going or what we're doing till we get there.

So, at the Family Fun Center we gave them all a pass to go ride the go-karts. They were also allowed to run around and play games inside.
Here are some gals starting out the heat.

We started the night out by going to the Family Fun Center in Renton. The bus drivers got a little confused and we had to take a round about way of getting there. The moment we'd get close the the Center the kids on the bus would start screaming because they were so excited. Perhaps I should mention that on Bus lock-in's we don't tell them where we're going or what we're doing till we get there.
So, at the Family Fun Center we gave them all a pass to go ride the go-karts. They were also allowed to run around and play games inside.
Here are some gals starting out the heat.
I had never been to the Family Fun Center, and I was enamored at the cartoon characters all around the walls. Rocky and Bullwinkle, Underdog and Natasha and Boris. I kind of want to go back there just to play I think I will have to start talking Eric into it.

After the Family Fun Center we drove over to the Burien Bowling Alley. We used to go to the Bowling Alley often because the kids' really liked it, but we hadn't used it as an event for a while. But we brought it back and I had to trade in my red sequin shoes for these God awful things. I couldn't resist taking a photo of them because I don't think I could have described them to give them any justice.

Eric and Sally were working on their congratulatory Hi-fives for each other...

They eventually got it down!

This was me going for my Turkey. I had a double and then got 9 pins and a spare, I maybe should have looked a little more disappointed.

At the rink Traci and I decided to take a picture like Junior High girls. We watched them do this all night long. 
I am not a huge Laser Tag fan, I have a hard time with all the fog and lights. I took a picture of the briefing room right before I hunkered down on the floor for a nap while everyone played. About half way through my nap Traci woke me up to go back to the church to set up our next event.
I hope you enjoyed the 20 pictures I posted... I was feeling extra Shudder buggy last night.
PPS... My red sequin shoes looked great on the yellow tile.
Eric went to play a game and Kyle took over being Eric for a while. He completely swam in the Hoodie, and the glasses weren't quite his style, but he thought he was pretty funny.
After the Family Fun Center we drove over to the Burien Bowling Alley. We used to go to the Bowling Alley often because the kids' really liked it, but we hadn't used it as an event for a while. But we brought it back and I had to trade in my red sequin shoes for these God awful things. I couldn't resist taking a photo of them because I don't think I could have described them to give them any justice.
After an entire game they turned down the lights and brought out the Disco bowling. then my shoes looked really great!
Eric and Sally were working on their congratulatory Hi-fives for each other...
They eventually got it down!
This was me going for my Turkey. I had a double and then got 9 pins and a spare, I maybe should have looked a little more disappointed.
After bowling we loaded up everyone and headed to Auburn which officially made it my second time ever in Auburn. We pulled up to a Roller Skating Rink!!! YAY!
Traci and I had kind of decided that we weren't going to ... and then changed our minds and laced up.
I haven't roller skated since college and before that probably like 5th grade. I used to be really good at it, but my balance has changed over the years. I had a lot of fun and actually didn't use skates but blades instead.
The kids were playing crack the whip, and the Rink rocked out with Hokey Pokey and the chicken dance just like every good skating rink does. I felt like a Junior high kid all over again, but I guess that's what the Rink does for you. I didn't fall which is good but my calves, thighs, and feet definitely are telling me what I did last night wasn't their preference.
At the rink Traci and I decided to take a picture like Junior High girls. We watched them do this all night long.
After the rink... LASER QUEST!!!!
I am not a huge Laser Tag fan, I have a hard time with all the fog and lights. I took a picture of the briefing room right before I hunkered down on the floor for a nap while everyone played. About half way through my nap Traci woke me up to go back to the church to set up our next event.
The Hypnotist!!! This is Christopher, he also did our High School show. We really enjoyed his show and invited him back for the Junior High.
The Junior High Kids were at a much higher volume of participation. They all wanted to be in the show, well most of them. So he made room for all of them on the stage.
He did the same show as the Senior High kids, but the show was so different because of the kids in it. Here's the girls right after he told them to "Sleep".
When I met the Hypnotist at the church I had a brief conversation with him, and it helped me enjoy the show a lot more. I asked him if there were any tell tale signs that someone was faking being in hypnosis. He said "there are a lot of tell tale signs, but that's not what it's all about, as long as they're having fun and being entertaining; what does it matter if they're faking?" It made me laugh. And boy were the kids entertaining.
I feel like I should have a conclusion, Eric and I do lock in's because we love the kids, and have more fun than what a full nights sleep can provide for us. I can't wait to go again next year, but for now I'm going to grab my smurf blanket, my puppy and cuddle up on the couch for a movie night.
I hope you enjoyed the 20 pictures I posted... I was feeling extra Shudder buggy last night.