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Tuesday Blues day... better wear your shoes day.

I came down with a cold on Sunday, and it's been bringing me down ever since. I finally broke today and came home early from work. My boss took one look at me and simply said "Go HOME!" So, by 10 am, Eric was picking me up from my office and taking me home to get better.
I came home and crawled into bed, and around 3:15 I finally woke up. I'm sure that my body needed rest because I'm allready getting sleepy again. I'm not really worried about having to try and fall asleep tonight, I'm sure it will come to me.

We had a good weekend and it was actually pretty productive. We conquored a whole season of 30 Rock. Oh yeah, and I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom. I get that whole "clean thearapy" from my mom. I cleaned the floor and cabinets with a lovely mix of bleach water. Mmmh, I can smell my clean kitchen from here.

I hope to get out and about this coming weekend, I'm feeling a little cabin feaver since I've been sick for the past couple days. Last night I came home from work, ate supper, took NyQuil and was in bed by 8pm. I live such an exciting life this week I'm happy anyone's still reading this blog.

Hope all is well! Talk with you soon!

Much Love - abby


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