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Emerald City Comi-Con 2009!

The alarm went off at 7:00 which seemed particularly early after being out till 9:30 at Goldies with Shawn, Rochelle, Michael , Eric and Josie. I didn't fall asleep till late. Though I was sleepy it wasn't hard to hop out of bed; I was filled with anticipation and excitement to go to the Comic-Con.

Lee arrived at our house around 8:30 am and we left directly for the Washington State Convention Center. When we walked into the center there was a metric TON of people in there! We thought we were planning ahead by being early, It was insane!

After standing in line for 45 - 50 minutes to get in the door, Eric went straight to the back to get Tim Sale's autograph. You may know Tim Sale from the popular TV show Heroes (he drew the art) He's the artist for some Marvel books but what Eric likes most of his work is Batman the Long Halloween. Tim signed and sketched a batman in the book for Eric; he was very happy.
Below is Tim Sale - In the baseball cap and jersey sitting at the table.

So, while Eric stood in line to get his Autograph Lee and I stood in line to buy the Hell boy exclusive print. I wasn't sure we'd be able to get one, but we both did and I can't wait to get it framed and on my wall It's very cool!

I really only had two artist/authors that I wanted to meet for sure. Franco & Art Baltazar (Pictured above). They draw/write Tiny Titans which is a little kids version of DC superhero's. The characters are real cute and the guys were really cool to meet. We got 2 original pieces of art from them. They were so humbled by the fact that we liked their art so much. Two guys I really hope continue to draw and write. They're pretty awesome, needless to say I was excited to meet them both! Aw Yeah Titans!

Part of the fun of the Comic-con are all the guys that dress up and walk around. Above is Chewbacca who turned out to be a girl underneath (I was surprised) and below is a GI Joe, You'd have to ask Eric which one.

And then there was this guy posing as Spiderman. His costume was ridiculously tight. A little scary.

DC Comics booth was handing out free swag so I got a Wonder Woman Tierra. Yay!

All in all the Comi-con was all I wanted it to be! We got a LOT of new books and picked up a few for Erica (of course) and I can't get enough of flipping through my books. In fact, I'm going to quit blogging now so I can do that!

But before I "log off" I want to share a few photos I took of our friend Reiner and his little guy Michael. They were there walking around the Comic-Con with us. I Hadn't seen Michael for quite a while, so I was astonished to see that he's walking already! So, above is Michael and his dad checking out the fountain in the convention center. Below is Michael finally smiling at me after I took about 10 pictures of him not looking. We played a really great game of Peek-a-boo to get this smile!

Thanks for reading my nerd chatter! It was amazing to be around such great fans and meet humble people that were just glad that we liked their art. It was also great to expand our already overflowing bookshelves!
Happy Saturday!


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