Our Little boy is 1 today! He's been nothing but a ball of energy since day one. I can't believe it's been a whole year since he was born. On Carter's birthday June 28
th we'll celebrate 1 year since we adopted him into our home.

One year ago, we had no idea how much fun it would be to have a little puppy running around our home. One year ago we had no idea how much of a personality he would develop.

One year ago, I would have never thought I would have a dog
named Aquaman! One year ago, I was so excited to surprise Eric with this little guy.

One year later, this is our family! One year later we're so happy to have him in our lives. One year later he makes us laugh continuously.
Couldn't imagine how boring life would be without him now, Happy Birthday Baby Boy! Thank you for bringing so much happiness to our lives!
Just had to give you shit!
Happy Birthday Aquaman!!