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Where IN the US???

After a 16 ball park excursion across the United States last year, Eric and I found ourselves a bit befuddled; where does a couple vacation after a vacation like that!? Neither of us are very “tropical” people; (and with the swine flu pandemic who can blame us?) and we really love to explore the United States, (there’s so many amazing things to see here!). We have been thinking about it a lot recently and came to a decision last night that I think we’ll both be pleased with.

Eric and I have traveled a lot together, we’ve been a lot of places and explored more countryside in the 3 short years we’ve been together than I had my entire life. He’s shown me so many amazing, beautiful and fun places, what could possibly live up to it?

In 2006 we went to Portland, it was the summer after I had moved out here and I was itching to see what Portland was all about, that was my ‘vacation’ that year. Shortly before we were engaged, I took Eric to South Dakota and showed him my roots, and then shortly after we got engaged, he took me to Arizona to meet his Mother and a ballpark!
(Eric & Abby In Arizona at Eric's Moms 2007)
Later in 2007 we took our Honeymoon which demanded us to be road warriors and we drove from Seattle to Anaheim California and back again. That trip we also spent time in San Francisco and Los Angeles, places that really only existed on TV for me. I had been to LA before but I was 7 and the most I remember was a man trying to rob a telephone with a machete; welcome to America people!

(Eric & Abby In Disneyland on our Honeymoon)
(Eric & Abby @ the Golden Gate Bridge)

Last year, we decided we needed to take the “Vacation to kick all other vacations’ butts’”. As most of you know, we flew into Boston and then rented a car and drove home back across the United States. We visited a LOT of states and I mean A LOT, and about 16 ballparks which I listed HERE so I won’t list again (to spare your souls).

(Abby & Eric in Boston @ Ride the Ducks!)
(Abby & Eric @ Oriole ballpark @ Camden Yards)
(Abby & Eric @ Fenway Park in Boston)

This year we talked about going to Washington DC to see the new Nat’s ballpark, and after a long deliberation we decided it just wasn’t where we wanted to go this year, we talked about San Diego, San Francisco, New York, I held a survey on this blog of where YOU thought we should go. Nothing seemed to excite us about vacation! After a long talk on the couch last night and a few tears from Abigail (because she’s an emotional girl for no particular reason) we’ve decided on our vacation destination that has the most breath taking view,
the most comfy beds, the best company and a lot to offer. This might be anticlimactic for some of you guys, but here it is… we’re going to have a STAYCATION this year and hang out at Home. Seattle… HOME SWEET HOME!
(Abby & Eric @ Pike Place Market)
This idea excites me more than anything I’ve talked about in the past 6 months! We’re planning to go and play, maybe drive to Portland to hang out at the book or donut shop, and just work on our apartment (which needs a lot of work).
I’m SO EXCITED! I’m sure there will be lots of pictures to post and I am starting to brainstorm where we'll go and what we'll do! Yay for Vacation!


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