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Happy Memorial Day!

Wow! – I’ve been on a Roll this week! One epic blog post after another! I am giving myself a pat on the back because it wasn’t long ago I was whining about how I was sucking up my blog space and “didn’t know how to fix it”. I guess I just had to concentrate on the small things in life, Isn’t that always the lesson?

Eric and I are off to Lazy F this weekend (Kat's in charge of the homestead and I know Aquaman will have a good weekend playing with 7 & Cosmo too!). For those of you who aren’t familiar with Lazy F – It’s a retreat GLC (Grace Lutheran Church) takes our 7-9th Grade youth every year over Memorial Day weekend. I will go into all the great stories and post pictures Monday (if not Tuesday) about our weekend, but if the last 2 years I’ve gone is any indication, we’ll have a great time! Friday we pack into the ranch, play games, worship and hit the hay. Saturday we do sessions, have some free time to do archery, crafts, hang out, or fish, and then have an ALL CAMP FISHING DERBY which is always epic. Eric and I have purchased a Barbie (for me) and a Batman (for him) kids fishing poles to win the derby this year, as we’ve always “huck finned” it in the past and lost. We wrap up Saturday evening with the Lazy F Olympics and more session. Sunday we take off to the river and raft down the Cle Elem Canyon part of the Yakima River. (Ha! Look Mindy I said it right! Lol) Then on Monday we hike about a mile and a half up what seems like a 63% grade hill to an amazing look out over the entire camp. I’m looking forward to this retreat as I do every year. I’m sure there will be great pictures and stories to be seen and told.

I am in a good mood today so I thought I’d dish out a dose of the Happies, which I’m thinking about changing the name to, Any suggestions?

♥ It’s a three day weekend, which means only a 4 day work week next week (YAY)

♥ Lazy F is in 8 Hours!!! WOO HOO!

♥ I’m way excited to break out my camera - get some great nature shots and perhaps action shots from the kids this weekend!

♥ I’m also very excited about my Barbie fishing pole – my only regret is that it’s Barbie and not Snoopy because I always got Snoopy when I was a kid. But it was either Barbie or Hannah Montana, so I picked the lesser of the two evils!

♥ My contact/glasses ritual seems to be working, and hopefully next week I’ll be ordering my 2nd pair of glasses.

♥ Last night hanging out with Ivan and Dawn was pure bliss, I really love my friends!

♥ My co-worker is out sick today so I’m hanging at the front desk which is a change of pace and actually kind of entertaining.

♥ The sun is shining and it’s 57 degree’s here today, almost sweltering for a Seattle day!

♥ My lil cousin Amanda graduated last week, she’s a Learned photographer – I’m so proud!

♥ My vacation is almost in sight and I’m very excited!

♥ It’s FRIDAY! WoOt!

So, There’s my installment of Happies - soon to be renamed. I like to re-name things J.
Hope you all have a fantastic and SAFE Memorial Day weekend! Remember what it’s all about!

♥ abby


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