On a Mission... Here's a few pics I took this weekend and a few things we did. I took this one of him and Aquaman as he was packing yesterday. He was almost having as hard of time leaving Aquaman behind as he was me. This man loves his dog! Mom thinks while Eric's away You guys will see many more pictures of my dog... I told her this was a very real possibility.

For Mexico and really any mission trip that the kids go on they draw Prayer Partners which are similar to secret
Santa's in the fact that they make/buy gifts for
each other and write little notes to
each other. It's a lot of fun. Any ways, we made Mexican wrestling masks for thumb wrestling. They're pretty Non-stereotypical but they're pretty funny.

I can't even remember what we
named them all, but you get the

Here's a couple photos I'm really glad I captured today. Here's Eric on the bus as they were passing by all the waving parents and loved ones. The top one makes me laugh because that's Shea... his prayer partner, It's
gonna be tough sneaking him gifts this week as they're pretty good friends to begin with. I've never brought my camera with to see him off, but I can't wait to bring it again to see that bright yellow bus pull into the church parking lot! He always has the most amazing face when he
See's me again, it reminds me of our wedding day and how happy he was to see me coming down the aisle...
awe I know cheesy isn't it?

This is his I love you wave... My camera malfunctioned just as he was blowing me a kiss, I'm sad I missed that shot, but I love this one a ton! My
handsome boy. I can't wait to put this one up as my background on my computer at work.

This shot is of my dear friend Katherine. I can't take credit for this shot Mary Jane or Jerry was looking at my lens and must have captured it, but it shows the beautiful lady herself... I love it.
After the bus left, Kat, Starla and I went to IHOP up on Pac Highway for some delicious breakfast goodies, I came home and passed out on the couch for awhile.
When I came to... I watched a little bit of a movie and then went and played with Laurel. We went to the dollar store, target, and other great Federal Way places. I love to just walk around and shop and Laurel is really good at that! I plan to document a lot of what I do this week on here as Eric often gets home and asks what I did all week and I say "nothing really" when it's quite apparent that I do more than nothing for two whole weeks.
I hope to get a lot of cleaning and organizing done, Laurel and Starla have both told me they're going to come and spend the night with me, So it will be nice to have come company. I am totally game for it as long as they don't mind the 5am alarm clock that bothers me every morning! I have had a lot of offers to take me out for supper, hang out ... etc... I guess you can say I make a lot of friends this time of year :)
Love you guys, Abby