I got a little sentimental on the way home. I had the flash backs to our college days where we would spend time talking about bridesmaid dresses and how it would be weird in a few years when everyone started getting married and we'd be in like 100 weddings.
We planned a bit, and talked about eloping in Vegas, we talked about little garden weddings and big elaborate weddings that were beautiful beyond imaginaion.
Mostly we tried to not think about it because neither of us saw ourselves married by age 25.
Well, My garden wedding has come and gone and it was exactly what me and my hubby to be wanted our wedding to be.
I can't even express how beautiful Heidi's wedding will be, and I know it will fall on the more glamourse side of the line. It will be the day that her dreams come true by marring the man of her dreams. I couldn't be happier for her, but I can't say it doesn't bring a tear to my eye.
I pray every day that her wedding is exactly everything she's always dreamed it to be, and I will be there to help make that happen.

She's all grown up and getting married. I'm so happy for her.