Simplifying my life. I work for a brokerage firm and I spend most of my 40 hours a week on a computer. So, for vacation I've decided to spend as little time on the computer as possible. Not that I don't LOVE my job or being on the computer, It's just my form of detox for the week.
I will still have small posts, or my picture of the day but I don't plan to spend 20 minutes writing a post when I could be laying on my back porch enjoying the Sunshine!
So I'll boil it down to this...
Happiness is ... A clean unused toilet at Safe Co Field.
Happiness is ... a sunny Friday at the ballpark with my Husband.
Happiness is ... sleeping in on a Saturday
Happiness is ... waking up to your puppy licking your cheek
Happiness is ... Realizing you have an entire week of vacation ahead of you and nothing on your to do list.
Happiness is... blogging your entire vacation in all the bright points.
This week, I will share little one liners into our vacation week, but not a play by play of every single day we were out.
Because we should all know what Happiness means to us.