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My Sister...

This morning on my way to work I was day dreaming a little bit about my blog. I decided I needed to post more often and do a little tribute to those I love. Today as my mind wandered, it landed on memories with my sister.
Shannon is one of the kindest hearted people I know. She can be pretty quiet, but she’s very dependable and when partnered with me in a Wal-mart aisle one of the most obnoxious people there (I would be THE most obnoxious person there). I have so many great memories with my sister, growing up and as adults and wish she was living in Seattle along with her Daughter Erica and our Mom every day of the week. I remember when Shannon was about a senior in high school she’d come home on a Friday night (when there wasn’t much going on in town) and wake me up to bring me over to her water bed (we shared a room) to watch Johnny Bago together – except for we always called it “Johnny Winnebago”. I remember how she didn’t get upset when I insisted on using her aqua net, hogging time in the mirror, leaving my ghetto Barbie dream house set up when her friends came over, or buying Simpsons bed sheets for my bed. She would always spend time braiding my hair into 100 little braids during the summertime and help babysit my “babies” when I had to go to the “store” (at age 5).
My Sister always answers my questions when I call and say “Nurse Shannon”, she always lets me vent when life gets a little rough, and she always helps me see the other side of any situation. She helps me with my insecurities, and I help her with hers; by inventing different ways to cover up my double chin, or the scar on her chest. We were standing beside each other the day we each got married and held each other when we’ve lost loved ones. My sister was there the day I had to tell her we lost Kerry, and she has been there every day since.
She introduced me to “Boys II Men” in her little festiva while driving down to SDSU. I taught her how to knit, she taught me how to talk in pig latin.
So many more memories, so many more to make.
She is such a great sister!
Even if she does see two humped camels in North Dakota!
I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

Next up... Tony?
Love, Abby


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