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Where did all these emotions come from?

“We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun…”

I have gotten a little sentimental over something I never thought would strike any emotion.
We got rid of my Aspire today.

Yes, it’s true the Man Magnet (Uncle Todd it worked! Truley was a Man Magnet! I landed my Hubby!)has a new owner, a new home now and I hope she will be happy there. I am sure that John will take her apart or renew her parts to make her run again, as you see John owns a garage and she will be with other Aspires of her status, very loved.

Last night as Eric and I were leaving the house I brought my camera down with me to take a few pictures because ...I couldn’t just let her go without a few pictures. As I was clicking away, I sheepishly asked Eric to take one of me and the car,

and then I hugged the car, and looked up at Eric all sad, he took another picture and I fought to keep my tears in my eyes.
I know she will have a good home and get more love than I have given her the past couple years – but that car really means something to me. I know it sounds stupid, but that was the car that showed me a lot of things.

It showed me how to be alone with my thoughts when the stereo blew out.

It showed me many miles of road between Nebraska and South Dakota.

It showed me how to appreciate what I have.

It was the car that I learned to drive manually in along with Kathy and Mom – we laughed the whole time.

It was the car that I packed my entire life into and started a new chapter of my life.

It was the car that showed me no matter how alone I feel – My family always has my back.

It was the car that showed me how much I don’t know my cousin Kris and how kind he is.

I all started a few years ago when my Eldorado blew up on my way home from Fremont one weekend. I bawled hysterically because I had no money, no car and was stuck on the side of the interstate with my 6 yr old niece. I got super depressed that weekend because it was just me and my Mom and we had no clue how we were going to be able to finance a new or even a used car for me to get back and forth from college to home. After speaking with Kathy, and looking around town for something “cheap but reliable”; Kris came out of the woodwork and offered his 1995 Ford Aspire for me to drive. Kris spent most of that evening, and all of the next morning trying to put in a new clutch and stealing parts from the Festiva – not to mention the fact that I didn’t know how to drive it. While they worked, I was busy cleaning out their trucks in an attempt to repay them for the work they’ve done. The efforts failed and I ended up driving Aunt Kathy & Uncle Todd’s Tahoe back to school late that evening. The next weekend when I arrived home Kathy and Mom took me out in the Aspire that Kris had fixed up for me (including cleaning the inside). I happily drove back to Fremont with my new little car.

A few of my favorite memories in my car include…

Learning to drive stick with Kathy & Mom – really learning; not driving my cousin around partying learning though that’s a funny story for another time.

Going over to the Iowa border to pick up Heidi and see her new Motorcycle.

Driving with Tony, Shannon, Carter (in car seat) and Erica the day Troy was born. Tony kept stomping his feet in the well of the passenger side telling me if we had to go up a hill he would help Fred Flinstone style.

Everytime I pulled up in the vicinity of my brother and him asking “hey how are the hamsters doing?” He was “convinced” that my car was motorized by hamsters running on wheels.

Then the day came when the Stereo blew; I called Kris “Do you mind if I replace the stereo in your Aspire” Kris responded “ Nope, if you buy a $60 stereo you’ve increased the value of the car to $61 dollars.”

Then the day came when I decided to move to Seattle; I called Kris “Do you mind if I drive the car over to Seattle to use while I live there?” Kris responded “Nope, hope you can make it over those mountains”

Then the day came when Kris transferred the car to my Mom, for me to keep – for free. It still brings a tear to my eye.

Then the day came when I decided I no longer had a need for the Aspire, I called Kris; “Do you mind if I sell or get rid the car?” Kris said “Good luck”.

Sure the Aspire was small, ridiculed, and moldy; but it got me through a very tough time in my life. I am very sad to see her go. Wish she was still a decent car – I’d keep her, but the Mold is too much, the knocking is too loud, the battery is too dead and the tires are too flat.

Goodbye Aspire…


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