Hi, I'm Abby and I'm addicted to Halloween.
On a very rainy day here in Seattle I can't help but to let my mind wander to September/October and all the amazing things I plan to make and do for my favorite holiday.
I realize it's only mid-August but since the weather hasn't shaped up in a few days I feel the urge for some Halloween goodness.
This year, since my blog is established and not a fledgling project I plan to share the projects that I am working on / intending to work on as soon as I get everything together.
So, since it's rainy, crappy and icky out here's my first Halloween project on the chopping block.

I've started to collect jugs and started to think of a really great place to let these guys haunt.
I will be sure to take pictures as I create to post on here later.
I think I get all this crafty need in my body from my Mother whom around Halloween would always have something fun in the make, be it popcorn balls or a wooden craft to paint and screw together. So I give her credit for all my craftiness!
Happy Haunting!
PS: I should give a fair shout of warning that fall colors may start appearing on here any day now, I've really been trying to harness myself, but I'm not sure how much more willpower I have left inside.