She continues to fill our lives with love and joy just like she did three years ago when she came home to us. She is my first pet outside of family pets and though Eric jokes around about getting rid of her because she's not cuddly, I would never get rid of her ever! She's the best cat in the world. Now only if I could train her to sit on my lap!
It all started with Pinterest - yes, that rant about Pinterest still stands, but this was inspired from there. I wanted to recreate a wreath of bulbs, I hate buying wreaths since they expire year after year, this one will hang in my home for a LONG time, possibly till I die... that is how much I love how it turned out! So, being my crafty (and somewhat frugal) self, I set off to find the materials to make it. Finding that bulbs are not quite as cheap as you'd expect, I found them for 80% off. This wreath, at cost would have run me about $125. ACK! I made it for under 35%! So pretty! So pleased! Many have asked me to make one for them - my answer - you buy the bulbs and materials and I'll glue it together!