Eric and I live in one very spacious apartment, it's a one bedroom one bath, with a huge living area, smallish but open kitchen and a couple of closets that would make you jealous. Oh yah and have I mentioned the view before?
We don't plan on leaving here for quite a while, we're very happy with the place. We shared our first kiss here, Eric asked me to marry him here, we have made this place our home.

We have talked about moving some where larger, and have talked about reorganizing to make our place seem bigger 1,000 times over again, but the bottom line is that we don't want to move, so the organization thing has GOT to happen before we're crawling over things just to walk from one room to the next. Now, don't get me wrong we're no Hawkin & Mavis (for thoes of you who know my dear Great Uncle & Aunt), but we're heading dangerously in that direction.
So, that being said I can finally say with confidence that we're going to work on purging our house this weekend! It only gets worse in the fall when we're not outside and moving around a lot because then the decorations come out for the holidays and we feel more cluttered than ever. I must add that I'm my mother's daughter and when my mind gets set on a course of action I follow through 10 fold. So wish us luck as we toss, purge and organize the Ronnebeck household this weekend. EEK!
Love, Abby