Friday morning 2:55am - my alarm starts beeping... and I groan loudly, but then realize that we're getting on a plane to go to Omaha! Yay! Omaha!
My Best friend Heidi and the love of her life Hermann set the date for September 26th and I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
Eric and I flew out Friday morning at 6:15am on Frontier Airlines; I have to give a hip hip hooray to Frontier, for it's the first time in a LONG time that I experienced perfect flights. I also really enjoy that they have animals on the tails of their planes and introduce you to those animals in their announcements.
When we got into Denver we had about 45 minutes to get to our connecting flight into Omaha. We arrived at the gate with about 20 minutes till they started to board. We gave the gal our tickets and we had to walk out on the Tar Mac to get on the plane; a guy told us to follow the blue animal foot prints to find our plane which lead us to a small plane that had a propeller on each wing. As we were taking off and landing I got to watch the landing gear go up and down. I can't imagine that I will be excited to fly on a plane that small ever again.
Liz picked us up at the terminal and greeted me with a very loud and wonderful screech and hug! I love that my friends greet me with such joy, it makes me feel so loved. There was no shortage on our "To Do" list once we landed we grabbed a bite to eat at Chipotle, and then met up with Renee (Heidi's Mom), Bud (Heidi's Step-Dad), Kari Rae (Heidi's Lil Sis) and Hope (Kari Rae's friend) to get a few things put in Liz's fridge for the wedding.
After a little freshening up, we were off to meet up with Heidi at her apartment so we could all get going to Rehearsal. I was greeted with another loud screech and got to see Bruce (Heidi's dad) and Hermann. There was also a table full of boys that were all speaking French to each other.
We went to the Church and had a little bit of rehearsal walking up and down the aisle, and meeting our partner's.
After dropping Eric off for rest at Liz's apartment we went to the hotel to finish up the programs for the big day. We talked a little bit with Heidi's family and then headed to Liz's place for some shut eye.
I will write more of our adventures tomorrow, I'm sleepy even after my 3 hour nap today.
Had a great trip - but we're happy to be home.