Eric and I are headed to the Pumpkin patch this evening and we’re excited! Or maybe I should clarify… I am SUPER excited and Eric humors me. I really love to carve pumpkins. It’s something I remember doing as a family when I was a kid, and it’s a tradition I will carry on until I can no longer lift a pumpkin by myself. I love the smell of a fresh cut open pumpkin, I love the gooey texture of the seeds and innards, and I love toasting the seeds to munch on afterwards. When I was about 12 or 13 Mom bought a fake pumpkin that was carved and looked real and it plugged into the wall. After that we didn’t really carve pumpkins much because after all we had our perfect one, and I certainly thought I was “getting to old for that kind of stuff” … (sorry for my teenage attitude Mom.) In high school I bought a pumpkin for Erica and wanted to carve it with her, she gagged the entire time. I laughed through the entire ordeal, I decided maybe Erica wasn’t the pumpkin carving type of girl. One year when I worked at the grocery store I grabbed pumpkins and went over to a girlfriend’s house where we spent the evening laughing, eating candy and carving our intricate pumpkins. This is where my love for pumpkins was rekindled. In College, Heidi and I did the same once we were moved into our dorm/apartments. Now as an adult I have enticed Eric to the pumpkin patch at the beginning of every October and settled in to carve pumpkins near the end of October.
Every year, we go t a patch, one year I took him all the way down to Sumner to find a patch, and like last year this year we’re going to Bo Colleos – it’s a little local veggie stand that has a really great selection.
Every year I want to buy more and every year he bargains to buy less.
Every year, we go t a patch, one year I took him all the way down to Sumner to find a patch, and like last year this year we’re going to Bo Colleos – it’s a little local veggie stand that has a really great selection.
Every year I want to buy more and every year he bargains to buy less.

2006 - Our first pumpkin carve together!
2007- The pumpkin patch in Sumner.
2007- Our Pumpkin Creations!
2008- Bo Collelo's Pumpkin Patch!
2008- The Pumpkins I carved with Fallon and Jason.
2008- The Pumpkins Eric and I Carved together.
2008- The Pumpkins we carved with John & Kerri Santo.