As an adult I’ve always struggled with Christmas Cards. I really love giving and receiving them and know that it’s my time to send a card just to tell someone I love them and to wish them well. But Christmas Cards have gotten so much more complicated since I was a kid and I now I never know what to send… I don’t want my friends and relatives thinking the following…
“Oh God, they wrote a letter”.
I have my mind filled with things that I’m just dying to pour out on to the page; though I pause to think does anyone read it? Does anyone care? Don’t they hear enough from me on my blog? Then I think about how much I like to read other peoples letters and think, I need to write one like that; then I run into the “why are other people more creative than me” conundrum. How can two people have so much to write – what did we even do in the past 365 days? Getting in the spirit for Christmas is easy, getting in the spirit for writing a Christmas letter, is way harder than that.
“They Just signed their names”
Wow, they didn’t even take enough time to write Merry Christmas; they must have felt obligated to send us something but didn’t have much to write. They’re lazy card writers. Writing just your names on a card can sometimes be misconstrued in 100 different ways, with 100 different interpretations. So I guess, I’ll write more than my name, because yes, I know how to write more than my name.
“Look at this picture with their pets… when are they having kids.”
Okay, so I really enjoy pictures with my pets, and CHILDREN for Eric and I is kind of a dirty word. Do you really want a picture of me, my cat, my dog and my husband hanging on your Christmas card line this year? I really like receiving pictures, but is it weird when a couple just sends pictures of themselves? Yeah, you know where I’m going with this one… It can end up being weird.
“Their card is store bought – I thought she was so creative”
Okay, so I bought it on sale last year, hate me for being thrifty… I don’t care.
So there you go… I just kind of sucked the Christmas Joy right out of the season with Card writing, like I said, I love to write cards but never know what to put in them, I guess you’ll just have to see when you open your mailbox what “kind” of a Christmas Card I went with.
Happy writing everyone :o)