I was hanging out on my break this afternoon when I received this picture in a text from my lovely cousin Amanda… and all it said was “Nice Hair”. It made me laugh so hard, I just about pee’d in my pants.
Yes, I had great hair. I’m not sure where she found / saw this picture and or what motivated her to send it to me, but I will remind her that I’ve got just as many embarrassing pictures of her.
And the funny thing is I’m not sure what’s more embarrassing, the hair, the outfits or the combo of all of the above for all three of us.
Oh the early 90’s! I’m pretty sure my sister used an entire can of Aqua net… and my brother… you can’t see it… but there’s a long rat tail in back … I’m almost 100% sure of that. And me… well let’s just say it’s business in front and party in the back, yep, I’ll admit it, I had a girl mullet.
So… Thanks Amanda… for the best laugh of my day.
And Please, Shannon… forgive me.