Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!!We've been very busy this evening preparing for Santa, Christmas tradiations and above all, Jesus. We'll be headed to church here in about three hours and I can't wait to sing some Christmas carols and hear the story I've grown up with year after year.

As for the Ronnebeck Household... Our stockings are hung on the wall with care..... Hopes that Santa will soon be near (thanks to Santa tracker we've been keeping our eye on him).

And forcing the kids to take pictures by the tree is more of an act of GOD than anything else, Gracie was licking her wounds from the (below) family picture and was hiding behind the gifts just out of reach so I shoved Aquaman in the center and voila, our kids by the tree.

Merry Christmas from the Ronnebeck Family!
Lots of Love,