Happy Anti-Valentines Day!
I have never been much of a fan of Valentines Day. I liked it when I was in grade school and everyone got everyone else a Valentine card and some candy, and when we got to decorate our Valentines Day boxes and bring them into school to show off. The best Valentines day box I ever made was with help from my sister Shannon. I had her draw a Tweety bird and I cut out Tweety and sat her on a swing in an actual bird cage, and then decorated it with a bunch of hearts. I was a creative kid... haha.
Any ways, In high school and college Valentines Day was a day I dreaded. I never had anyone to spend it with and the best Valentine I ever got was from my Mom. No offence Mom, I love you, but every girl wants that "movie" expectation of boys who declare their love on Valentines Day and live happily ever after. Well, after many years of that being the expectation, and that never happening... I became very Anti-Valentines day.
After meeting Eric I quickly learned that he too, hated the idea of Valentines day, that Idea that on this specific day Hallmark makes a killing on people who LOVE the idea of Valentines day. Now, don't get me wrong, we both believe that taking a day to show the one you love that you care is a wonderful idea, but why the same day every year, the day Hallmark says is a good day. Why? Because February has no other notable Holiday?... Wait I have an idea! Let's just celebrate MY BIRTHDAY nationally.
This way of thinking lead us to my friend Kat and I's best idea ever... well one of them any ways, we have a lot of really great ideas! (or so we think). Anti-Valentines Day! 4 years ago we decided the weekend of Valentines Day to take our Husbands out to show them how much we love them. We took them to a restaurant that is the opposite of Love the opposite of what Valentines day represents. LUST - We took them to Hooters. Both of them love to go to Hooters and both swear it's for the wings.
As you can see, Kat is VERY excited to go eat wings at Hooters! We order 50 wings, curly fries and this year an order of fried pickles (yum). The boys don't get a ton of attention while we're there, because they're with their wives. But we do get decent service, and full stomachs - which is ultimately the goal. We then tell our husbands how much we love them because instead of making them buy us chocolates, flowers and an expensive dinner, we let them grub with their best friend and wives, and enjoy a pitcher of beer. We're the best wives ever!
This year, though there was little resistance from the one in the picture with me below... I made them take pictures to commemorate our tradition. Tim and Kat (above) and Eric and Abby (below).
And, as we were leaving Seattle we went by the Pink Elephant Car Wash which is a Seattle institution, So I took a picture of the spinning Elephant.
So... Happy Anti-Valentines Day to you all! Hope you enjoy your weekend with your loved ones... even if you are buying them a Hallmark card, I don't judge... Just not my style.
Love, Abby