She’s somewhat of a “Head Honcho” type person in the Relay community and I hope to run into her in a meeting some day just to finally meet the woman who has given me lots of inspriation over the past year.
Last year (if you recall) Shelley lit a luminiaria for my Mom at a Relay event shortly after Mom was diagnosed and before we Relayed.
Well… Now that you know WHO Shelley is, you can appreciate the fact that I WON AN AMAZING PRIZE ON HER BLOG!
She’s celebrating 5 years of Bloggy Goodness and is giving away fun little prizes this week. I won the RELAY give away!
Which Includes…
A CDHOPE Bracelets
Dog Tags (With the HOPE logo)
A Notepad
And other Relay goodies!
I was apprehensive that I would win based on the fact that I was the first person to comment and she uses a random number generator – what are the chances that it will randomly pick One.
Any ways, I came, I commented, and I WON!
Looking forward to getting the prize in the mail in the next few days and sharing my winnings with The HOPE CORPS!
This totally made my day!