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Something New : Sufi Dancing

In my attempt to do something new every month, I found myself saying "yes" to something I would have never even taken a second look at ... Sufi Dancing.
At the beginning of January my boss Julie asked me if I would go with her to her church to try Sufi Dancing. She had tried it before at a retreat she goes on every year, and thought it would be something I could enjoy.
So, last night after work Julie and I rode the bus up to Edmonds to meet up with her partner Nellinda. We walked around the block and saw one of our Rep's offices and the downtown area of Edmonds which is super cute. I even got to see the theater where my friend Ivan works! Once Nell picked us up we let Casey (the dog) out to go to the bathroom and then drove around the corner to get in line to get on the ferry to Kingston. Once we crossed the water we stopped at "The Grub Hut" where we all dined on some pretty amazing burgers. I had "The Grub Hut Burger" which had a fried egg, bacon and Gorgonzola cheese on it... YUM. Then we let Casey out again and headed up to the Church where we were to Sufi Dance the night away.
We arrived at the church and I changed into my yoga pants for comfort and shed my shoes and Julie gave me a short tour of the very small, humble and beautiful church that her and Nell are regular attendees at. I've heard a lot about this church and was glad I finally got to see it. The fellowship hall was set up with a small circular rug in the middle which had stools for the musicians to sit on.
Then one of the leaders called us all to the space and asked us to start walking at our own pace around the rug in the middle. Breathing slowly and just feeling the carpet on your feet, and feeling the breath going in and out of your body. Then we slowed down and took a step for every breath we let in and out. The leader kept telling us "you have no where to be, nothing to do except to be here, and be you". After that we started meditative dances which found me holding hands with strangers and singing simple songs which made everything in my mind melt away. It's really hard to describe what the dancing was like, unless of course you would like me to demonstrate (which I could do) but I really cannot do it justice.
In review, I really can't wait to do this again - I hope that I will be able to. I plan on studying up on a few meditative dances or movements I can do on my own to just melt the stress. I know it sounds silly but it really does work. I went into the dance session with an open mind, giving it my full attention - because that was only fair.
I really loved every moment, and like I told Julie, felt the need to quit shaving my legs and wear wool socks with my Birkenstocks like a good hippie - because it was a very hippie dippy experience, but one I will carry with me for quite some time.
Can't wait to go Sufi Dancing again sometime!
Thanks Julie, It rocked!


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