This weekend I really went for it. I did lots of new things! I went up to Stevens Pass with my co-worker Mindy and her husband Phil for Hope on the Slopes (HotS). HotS is an event put on by the American Cancer Society that is basically a relay type event for the Ski or Snowboard enthusiast! I found myself chatting with people I've never met, making coffee here and there, and sleeping on the floor in the lodge without complaint. I found myself spending time with me, learning to be content without something in front of me to keep me entertained and found myself volunteering where I could to fill the 24 hour time span of HotS. To see the WHOLE story of HotS go to this LINK. Pictures included.Mindy suggested that I check out the snowshoeing lead by the USFS Rangers. I don't normally go do things by myself because I'm co-dependent like that. But within about 30 minutes of Mindy suggesting and handing me the brochure I found myself knocking at the USFS Ranger Station to see if they had an opening so I could go snowshoeing. I walked into the little cabin buried with snow and found Ranger Nan along with an older gentlemen and what turned out to be his grandson. They were talking about snowshoeing and Ranger Nan warmly welcomed me to be part of the afternoon's hike. I paid my donation and sat down to visit till the hike began. A couple more people joined us in the warm little ranger station and Ranger Nan told us that we would not be seeing the slide show but would get straight out to the hike since we had little ones with us she wanted to allow for more playtime in the snow, and really who's going to argue with play time in the snow versus a historical slide show?
Here's Ranger Nan helping us all figure out how to put on our snowshoes properly.
When I showed up at the Ranger Cabin I half expected to be walking out in wooden/wicker snowshoes just like you see in the old timey photos; but I should know better than that, the plastic/metal shoes we used were great! They were super light weight and as you can see, near the toes there's a pivot and your heels aren't strapped down to the shoe at all. The toes are set back a bit from the front of the shoe so you can have full movement of your foot. The bottom of the shoes have large spikes under the ball of your foot and then smaller serrated spikes that run parallel on both of the undersides of the shoe. Needless to say they have a great grip; and they were easier to walk in than you'd imagine. You just have to be very conscious of your steps.
Here's Ranger Nan leading the trail. It looks really steep, but didn't seem that way. The way back was worse... way worse...
Here's the group at a stopping point and Ranger Nan is pointing out sink holes, animals and trees as we go. It was actually pretty educational.
Here I am out on my own snowshoeing. The guy who took the picture told me he got the shoes in the picture too, but it's quite obvious he did not quite get the shoes. But it's okay, I took a picture of my feet in the shoes any ways, because I'm cool like that.
And the walk ended with a little avalanche survival tips, Ranger Nan is showing us how her titanium shovel gets put together in case we had to dig someone out ever, if we ever had Ranger Nan's shovel.
Anyways, Yes It was FANTASTIC and I would recommend this to anyone who's out looking for something a little different than what they're used to.
Also, Here's a little news story on Ranger Nan and what she does, it was pretty cute... she's a local celebrity according to the herald.
Anyways, Yes It was FANTASTIC and I would recommend this to anyone who's out looking for something a little different than what they're used to.
I am very happy to be home after a VERY long weekend. I am so ready for another weekend.