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Viva Las Vegas : New York New York & Paris (again)

By Sunday morning we were almost completely burned out on Las Vegas. Not that we didn't love having girlie fun; but that place is exhausting. This picture pretty much describes Vegas for me; You are slightly moving around in awe of what is going on and the whole city is whirling around you at mach 5. I totally caught this photo by luck but I love it just the same. At some point during the trip we discussed tattoo's and even toyed with the idea of coming home with one each. But ultimately we thought our husbands would never let us go anywhere together if we came home tattooed so we went for second best and sought out Henna tattoo's. Mariya has had one in mind for a LONG time and thought Henna would be a good way to try out to see if having a tattoo on her forearm would be problematic in every day life. So here's her Ohm (I likely spelt that wrong).
And here's mine on my calf - If [big IF for Eric and Mom] I ever get a tattoo I would have to be able to conceal it for work, so I tried the Henna out on my calf. It's a replica of a necklace that I have and LOVE - it reminds me of a dove or the bird of peace, I love it.
I digress - wow I got off track there. Any ways - after our Henna tattoo's and our Henna artist being a total jerk again I digress... We went and grabbed a New York Slice of pizza at New York New York. Here's Mariya texting Robert to try to see how to fly stand by because we were ready to go home for sure.

Somewhere along the lines we decided it would be fun to go on the roller coaster at New York New York. So, after our meal settled we went on the Roller coaster which was a complete brain scrambler. I don't think either of us were expecting it to be so rough.
These are our "our brains are scrambled and we want to go home" faces.
Here's the evil Roller coaster that scrambled our brains.
And after walking around New York New York for awhile we walked around the outside and took a bunch of pictures (or at least I did).
After New York New York we still had a few hours to kill till we could catch a shuttle to the Airport, so we went up in the Eiffel Tower.
I really enjoyed photographing the Eiffel Tower over ... and over... and over...
YAY! We made it to the top! The elevator took forever!
Aaaah the strip.... goodbye Las Vegas!
We made it to the airport in record time thanks to our scary bus driver, and then we got on the standby list (I have never flown standby before this) for the 7:45pm plane and didn't get on - so we made ourselves airport rats for awhile and decided to meander back to the gates where our tickets for an earlier plane were waiting for us. We boarded and within 10 minutes were in the air on our way home.
Robert picked up Mariya at the airport and Eric wasn't far behind to pick me up.
I did a lot of new and fun and exciting things in Las Vegas so this qualifies for my "Something New" April edition. I can't thank Mariya enough for the amazing trip to Las Vegas, who knew it was everything we needed! And I can't sign off without saying thank you to Robert & Eric for letting their wives go away for the weekend with no complaint!
Can't wait to start planning next year's girlie adventure!
If you want to see ALL of the photos we took in Las Vegas Click the links below


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