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Viva Las Vegas : Pool Side & Downtown

We really hit Las Vegas hard Thursday night and Friday that by the time Saturday Rolled around all we really wanted was some quality pool time! We rolled out of bed a little later and headed straight for Planet Daily's for some breakfast food.
After Breakfast we headed straight for the pool. There were no chairs in sight open so we cozied up poolside and dipped our toes in. After about 15 minutes I crawled in because I'm half a fish and can't be near water without being IN the water.
We hung out for a good couple of hours and then headed back to our room to assess the sun burn.
We weren't sunburned too bad so we went to the mall in Planet Hollywood and tried out a water massage at the Zen Zone. We did the 7 minute massage and it was just perfect. We both rolled out of the booths dreary eyed and completely relaxed. And what do relaxed girls in Vegas Need? Giant slushy beverages! So we went to a daiquiris stand and got the half yard with a couple shots of rum.
We enjoyed the beverages as we walked back to the hotel room to get ready to go out for the evening in Downtown Las Vegas.
After we were ready to go we walked down the strip a little bit and through the new city center area and grabbed a cab at the Hotel Aria (the newest hotel in Vegas). We realized about 40% of the way to downtown that we only had $20 cash between the two of us, and we were in a cash only cab and because of the traffic we were quickly approaching fare and realized by the time we got to downtown we would have spent well over what we had in our pockets. So with quick thinking we asked the cabbie to take us to the RIO where we got out - went to the ATM- withdrew more money- observed that people were having a hell of a good time in the RIO and then got back in the taxi cab ride to continue our ride to downtown.
Downtown Las Vegas or "Fremont Street" was what I envisioned Vegas to be. We had a $5 burger and grabbed more giant slushy drinks and made our way up and down the old strip. It was such a wonderful sight, lots of wonderful bright lights and old signs. It was a bit smarmier than the strip is (if you can imagine that) and there were some pretty shady hotels, but all in all it was pretty safe. We came across a hotel that served deep fried Oreo's and Twinkies which weren't as good as you would think, but after seeing them on Anthony Bourdeins "No Reservations" I had to try them. We ended up standing outside the stage watching a free concert by Gloriana who ended up winning the new outstanding artist award at the CMA's that weekend! I really enjoyed their music. We stuck around until the sky church played "Bye Bye Miss America pie" and put on a show. That's what we went for in the first place! It was a very enjoyable night in old Vegas... we had a ton of fun!
We took public transportation back to the hotel. It was a lot cheaper than the hotel and quite frankly more entertaining.
We got back to our room and laid in our beds and giggled and talked like little girls. I heart girl trips!


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