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A Few Thoughts!

A couple hundred thoughts are rolling around in my head right now; I think I’m just going to spill them out in random order because I don’t know really how to form them.

-Yesterday was a really rough day. Mom was hospitalized and though she is doing well, still had us all up on our tippy toes. Prayers for her recovery would be appreciated. If you want to keep up with her status please head on over to her blog {} , I’m trying to keep it as up to date as possible with all the different things going on! We’re pretty emotionally and physically sleepy today.

-But look at how beautiful she looks… This picture makes me smile in the midst of it all!

-Working on the call committee at the church has been quite the ride. We’re finally getting near the time to do interviews, so I just have to hang on and know that our hard work will pay off.

-Eric has such an amazing time on Wednesday nights with his friends watching movies it makes me smile. Hopefully one of these days I can extend my bed time and not have any meetings and go with!

-I love my job, I groan and moan about getting up so early, but at the end of the day, I really like being here.

-I am looking forward to painting our apartment this summer, any suggestions on colors?

-Mom, Kathy & Brenda are due here in T minus 14 days … AND COUNTING. Mom says wild horses couldn’t keep her away

-I’m weirdly distraught by the fact there’s no new 30 Rock on tonight. I Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin… I will miss them for the summer time.

-Satori group is putting on a production coming up in June, you should go see it if you’re in the area. I just wanted to give them a little publicity, these people rock my socks.

-Did I mention we overshot our Relay for Life goal by $735!!! 7*3*5!!! If you want to contribute… Click HERE…

-This oil spill thing is getting out of control… seriously out of control.

-I added three people to my survivor luminaria list… I hate adding to this list, this cancer thing has got to stop!

I think that’s all I’ve got for now… My heart is full of thanks and love for all of you who have sent prayers skyward for Mom’s healing process. You are wonderful.



Unknown said…
At least its your survivor list that's getting longer and not the "in memory of" list! Keep up the good work, kiddo!

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