He’s currently waiting the biggest verdict of his life, for his life. Clark went into liver failure in July of 2009 – He received a liver transplant and from there, everything that could go wrong with the transplant… did. He’s been fighting off illnesses and diseases ever since, with trips to and from the hospital in Utah. He has hit his maximum for insurance for his life time, and is currently in a fight with Medicaid to receive a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) which he cannot live without.
If you’d like to read ALL the details, check out his Blog at www.superclarkkimble.blogspot.com
The trial has been about a week ago now, and I keep checking back to his Blog with baited breath hoping for good news. This morning his Mom Rhonda posted a beautiful prayer for him and we’re all waiting in suspense.
Please send a word to the big guy for him.
In Loving Support, Abby