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Something New : The Cheesy Edition

Normally I steer WAY clear of crowds of any size, let alone a crowd that a festival would attract; better yet, a CHEESE festival. I mean, who doesn't LOVE cheese?
We should have taken a cue from the amount of people on the light rail that crowds were not going to be easy to avoid today but again, who doesn't love cheese, crowds or not ... we were on our way to the Annual Seattle Cheese Festival!
After a very squishy ride on the light rail we got off at the Westlake center and walked down the block to the Market. This is what we saw... tents upon tents of Cheese!!!!!

We're newbee's to the cheese festival so we just hopped in a line and started to eat, because that's what everyone else was doing - with the exception of a few people who apparently didn't see the lines wrapping around each booth, and would just stop and reach their arms in (how rude).

We made it out with two chunks of cheese for home, a really pungent Brie that Eric loved, and a goat cheese with lemon and dill which we intend to use for this spectacular recipe that Eric has been making for us - goat cheese and spinach stuffed chicken breasts - YUMMM.

But we tasted over 30 types of cheese for sure... one after another... after another...
There were quite a few people walking around with an entire baguette tearing pieces off to eat with their cheese - which in retrospect might have been a really good idea.

Regardless, we got to enjoy the market and all it's beauty... I mean come on... who doesn't love the market on a Sunny Seattle Day?

We do!
We were about to leave after a samosa at a little eatery when we realized it was close to a Burrata making demonstration - so we hung out in front of the table so we could watch the demonstration.

This guy works at DeLaurentis which is the meat and cheese mecca of the market; we go there every time we go to the market, and often see his face behind the counter. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside to see people I recognize in such a large city.

He made the cheese and then let us all sample some. It was fantastic.
It's been a busy weekend for us thus far, and we plan on planting ourselves on the couch for the rest of the evening. Oh and I forgot to mention the wonderful Friday night festivities... we went out with 10 of our fellow advisors and our new Youth director John to Dante's in the University district. We had some wonderful greasy bar food and hung out. Our initial plan was to go see Jet City improv, but we didn't quite have our food in time, so we ended up ordering another round of drinks and enjoyed each other's company.
Blue cheese, caramelized onion burgers here I come...
Have a good weekend :)


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