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Monday Musings

Saturday alone seemed like an entire weekend all wrapped into one.
I started out in the morning gallivanting with Katherine in upper Seattle, and then in the evening Eric, Aquaman and I went over to Jess and Lee's house for some burgers and a little bonfire action.

Aquaman didn't really get along with their dogs Pickle and Melba otherwise I'd have a picture to share of our adventures in Tacoma. He's never coming along to visit ever again because I ended up holding him the entire time because he's such a big baby.

Lee made us burgers out of chorizo sausage with walla walla sweet onions and red peppers on a ciabatta bun. It was a really simple burger, but quite amazing.

Sunday we took off to the various grocery stores in our area in search of deals on food. We now have a stocked fridge for under $100. We're pretty proud of that. We spent some time together and were a little lazy, but we like our Sundays like that!

A few happies for the week...
I love that the bus driver announces our arrival into Seattle as if he's an airline pilot. The announcement goes something like this " Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday! We're arriving in Seattle and the time is 6:29am. I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for riding Metro". It wakes me up and tells me to get off the bus or I'll oversleep my stop, Amazing. Seriously, where can I nominate this guy for bus driver of the year?

I have lunch planned out for every day this week - and then I got an e-mail telling me I get pizza on Tuesday for birthday lunch! Pizza and Pies YUM!

I am working up at the reception desk this week, it’s kind of fun to be back at the ole keyboard. I forget what it’s like to have a lot of traffic now that I’ve moved to a very quiet office space. I appreciate both areas for different reasons, but I’m really looking forward to the first week in August when everything at work goes back to our usual pace.

More on the work front : I am working on making my desk more work friendly. It gets kind of cluttered and makes me not want to sit there all day. I’m looking for things to beautify my workspace, and trust me, it’s a work in progress. Additionally, the Lobby has new artwork hanging up and let me tell you, it was the talk of the office today!

I made my feathered headband this weekend and I couldn’t be more in love with how it turned out.

We’ve been spending a lot of time on our back porch soaking in the few spots of sun we’ve had.

I’ve been struggling to find my creative outlet recently. It’s frustrating. I spent some time playing my guitar this weekend, and tonight I plan to sit at my scrapbook table for a little while just to see how things go. I miss having that release.

I am really enjoying my new “Ghost Girl : Lovesick” book. I love being “into” a series.

The Michael W. Smith Pandora station has been rocking my socks lately. I found a song that speaks to me like crazy; almost as if it was written with me in mind, and I wish it was on more often, I might have to seek out the cd.

4:45 am hasn’t felt so disgusting the past week or so – and that’s a blessing all in its own.

Mom’s been feeling better after her past weekend of feeling really gross. She doesn’t feel the need to nap currently so we both figure that’s a good sign. Hopefully we’ll get to Skype this week again.

God and I have been talking to each other a lot more recently, I couldn’t be more thankful for that. We kind of lost touch for awhile.

I’ve gotten to sleep comfortably under my comforter for the past two weeks, and boy does it feel nice to not have a disgustingly hot summer on our hands.

I’m working on my blog-mojo for HOCUS POCUSI’m hoping that I can keep it going a lot longer than last year. I started it in August and blogged intermittently through October. I am shooting for intermittent until then, and when October hits I hope to post daily. (That’s a big goal).

I put a “counter” on the bottom of my blog. I wanted to know how many visitors I get in a week, in a day, in a year… so on and so forth. Since putting it on a week ago my page has gotten 55 views. I was pretty impressed. I thought in a week maybe I’d have 10… maybe. Thanks for reading :o)

Have a good week everyone!


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