Monday morning we headed to the Holocaust Museum and Memorial. This is a place I've heard about for years and years, and with my unnatural interest in the Holocaust, I couldn't be so close to the Museum and not go. I told Eric he didn't have to come with me if he didn't want to, but he decided to come any ways and found it really interesting!
When we lined up outside to get into the museum we had a very intense screening by security, so intense that I had to take a drink out of my water bottle to prove to the guard that It was water. But since the Holocaust Museum had a shooting a couple years ago, and all the anti-semitism that goes on I can see why they're so on top of it.
We weren't able, and really didn't find the desire to take pictures inside the exhibits of the Holocaust Museum. It was a really moving experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone who goes to Washington DC.
After getting through the exhibits we went into the Hall of Remembrance where we lit candles for the victims and had a few moments of silence reflecting upon what we just saw.
We walked back toward the National Mall and just enjoyed the sunshine!

We made our way to the capitol building. As we walked toward it, it seemed like it was getting closer and closer, but it was still so far away!
It was pretty surreal to just sit at the reflecting pond and look at our nation's capitol building.
It's a beautiful piece of architecture!
We headed back down the Mall and stopped in to the Air and Space Museum for a look!
There were a lot of really neat airplanes, and space shuttles inside, but the one I liked the most was the Spirit of St. Louis!
After a quick walk around the Air and Space, we took a leap across the Mall and went to the Museum of Natural History for an hour or so.
An hour is not a good amount of time to spend in a museum, but at this point of the day we were really tired, and ready to be done with museums.
But we took these pictures for my Nephew Carter because he LOVES Dinosaurs!
I can see why, they're pretty neat!
After the multiple museum visit day, we took a cab to the nearest Pot Belly and feasted on warm Italian sandwiches. Eric was in heaven.
Then we swung by Hello Cupcake and picked up a half dozen cupcakes for dessert and Then I was in heaven!!!
On our way into the hotel, they were having their nightly "Complimentary Champagne Hour" and we both picked up a glass. Since I don't necessarily like Champagne, Eric was two fisting it!
On our way into the hotel, they were having their nightly "Complimentary Champagne Hour" and we both picked up a glass. Since I don't necessarily like Champagne, Eric was two fisting it!