Tuesday morning was my first day of Work in DC. I am proud of myself, because I woke up, took a cab to the Metro Rail station, took the Metro Rail to Rockville and then another Cab from the Rockville Station to FINRA. I was navigating the Metro Rail like a pro!
I spent the day at FINRA learning more than I thought possible in 8 hours! It was such a great experience! I am so thankful I was able to go!

Rachel is Eric's friend Lee's lil sister! She lives in Virginia Beach and drove up to DC to spend time with Eric and I while we were there!
I feel like this ballpark had some sort of magic attached to it! I got off the Metro Rail and was walking toward the park when this guy on the street was selling Nat's Hat's for $5. He tried to sell one to me, and I asked him for the "nice face discount" because I wasn't really interested in buying a hat. He said "okay pretty lady" and gave me a hat... for FREE! Yes! Magic of the New Ballpark!
I had to get my tickets at will call and meet Eric & Rachel in the park, before I got there, Eric snagged this picture with Abe Lincoln!
As for me? I was determine to find Screech the bald Eagle the REAL Washington National's mascot! I was walking around the concourse area of the park looking for Eric and Rachel, when I ran smack into Screech, He stopped me and gave me a big beaky kiss on my head! I was a little bummed that I ran into him, because Eric had our camera and I thought that was my one shot in the spotlight to get a picture with him, and there I was for the first time in my life Sans camera. I ran into Eric and Rachel shortly after, and as we were walking back towards the "Build -a- Screech" area to get my Screech and there he was in the flesh... er.. feathers, I couldn't believe my eyes! A second run in with the mascot in one game! Again, It's obviously the magic of the new ballpark, or destiny that I was to have this amazing picture!
I'm a happy girl!
Then, we went to Build my Screech! I have been wanting a Build -a- Screech since this ballpark was built a few years ago. I was so excited to be able to stuff him and bring him home!
And here the three of us are ... Enjoying Nat's Stadium!!!

In the 7th inning, Rachel started to flirt with Robleto in the bullpen. He looked up at her, waved, and then she waved back. Then she told me to wave, so I peaked over the rail and waved at him, and he waved back. Then, I looked over and motioned to him that we wanted a ball!
So, during the next time he was out helping the outfielders warm up, he threw a ball to us! We were in 7th heaven, again the magic of the new ballpark!

We really enjoyed every moment of being at the ballpark! The Nat's rallied in the 8th inning with 7 runs and won the ballgame!

Not our absolute favorite, but not our least favorite either.
The Presidential Races were a lot of fun!
And completely goofy.
The Crowd really gets into them!
I am done with the Washington DC blogging for now!
We had a ton of fun on Wednesday too after I was off of work. We went and had ice cream and Popeyes chicken! We were off on a plane early on Thursday morning after being chased out of our hotel by a few cockroaches (yep, I said cockroaches).
Thanks to KMS for being awesome and letting us squeeze in a little vacation with work. A little workcation was exactly what I needed.