-Three and a half hours on the phone with your Mom can be the biggest uplift you’ll ever have in life. Mom and I got on the phone the other day, and kept talking, and talking and talking. It was the best way to spend an evening! Thanks Mom… I love you.
-I’m not sure what I’d do without my Husband who helps me pray every night. He’s pretty wonderful. -Halloween has not taken over my world this year as it has done in the past few years, I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, I just can’t fully “Dive IN” like I normally do. Maybe it’s my lack of Hocus Pocusing.
-Is pocusing a word? Nope!
-I think the greatest snack in the world are the Savory Thin Mini Crackers from Trader Joes, bet you can’t eat just one!
-I signed up for the Relay Summit in Sea Tac for the weekend of the 23rd. I’m pretty excited/nervous to attend! I’m all signed up – no backing out now!
-Streamlining and organizing things makes me happy – I’m sure it drives my co-workers crazy that my desk looks different every other week of the year.
-I still can’t get over how icky VIA coffee is from Starbucks. Yech.
-Life is scary. Period. This is not a new revelation.
-I hate having anxiety, about … everything.
-I love typing “…” have you ever noticed that? I use “…” every time I’m thinking…or pausing… or ending a sentence… does it annoy you? It kind of annoys me…
-My new coffee mug is rocking my world… did I mention that I found one? After the destruction of my old one(s) I was unbelievably sad! I found this one for 53 cents at Good will. Rock star!

-I'm not sure I've ever written a post as random as this one was