It's "that" time of year... and even the kid's are treating each other well...

and even though Gracie has been driving me crazy, and I feel she's unhappy here... she's been soaking it up under the tree, and perhaps doesn't HATE it ... She's still the prettiest Orange Kitty in the world!

This morning as I was headed out the door for work I decided that I needed to take my camera with and capture images that I think of when I think Christmas...

How fast it goes... (that's our "town tree" in Des Moines)

How pretty Westlake center looks...

Macy's amazing star...

Egg Nog Lattes!!!

And Seattle's "Town Tree"

Nordy's Holiday window glory...

My fabulous Snowman hat...

And then, when I got home we BAKED COOKIES!!!!!
We had to get ready for Ivan and Dawn's visit tomorrow night ... and get treats baked!
We normally build a house... but we didn't think we needed all the added sweets (M&M's ... etc)
Like my apron? Julie gave us a matching set a couple years ago... and yep, we use them!

Aquaman was looking all cute in his holiday sweaterness, so he posed by the tree!

The sugar cookies turned out like big blobs... and the gingerbread? well, they're perfect.
Above is Me, Dawn, Ivan & Eric... can you tell who's who?

Sweet sweet Christmas... You're almost here!