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Something New - In Review

My 2010 has been Jam-packed with “New”. New experiences, new places, new things, new foods and new ways of thinking, most (not all) were welcome.

Over the past 365 days I posted 58 times about my “Something New” That averages out to at least 1 new thing per week which is far above my goal of at least 1 new thing per month.

You can search my blog for the posts called “Something New” but I’ll post my outline here.

New car
Sufi Dancing
Engagement Photo Shoot
16 MM Film Showing
Sounders Football Club Game
Riding the Light Rail
Meeting Andy Runton
Hope on the Slopes
Girls vacation with Mariya to Las Vegas
Henna Tattoo
Herb Garden
Seattle Cheese Festival
Alone Time
Wizard of OZ – High School Play
King County Library System
Child Photo Shoot
Mexican Pastries
Passion Iced Tea
Coconut Macaroons
Ate a bug – Cricket
Relay for Life Team Captain
Full Tilt Ice Cream
Proletariat Pizza
Picnic with Eric
Recycling my old Cell phones
Touring Theo Chocolate Factory
Feathered Headbands
El Sabor De Oxacan
Skyping with Mom
Just Breathe – R for Ronnebeck switch over
Presidential Motorcade
Baby Dinosaur Necklace
Being Cool, with being Me
Mercer Island
Photographing a Bridal Shower
Washington DC
First work Trip – with Eric
Negotiated Metro
Taxi cabbed on my won
Approached Screech the Nat’s mascot
Caught a baseball at a game
Public Speaking for work
Photo Shoot – Megan & Amanda
Starbucks Via
Relay for Life Committee
Western Washington Relay for life Summit
Dahlia Garden
Picnic with a friend
English breakfast Tea
Breakfast / Church with Julie & Nell
Dave Niehaus Memorial
Wedding Photo Shoot
Trip home by myself
Getting all dressed up with my Hubby for a night out on the town
Christmas shopping with a friend in the city

Here's to being a NEW and adventurous person!


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