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South Dakota Musings

I can’t quite put together blog posts about South Dakota, every attempt leaves me feeling like my material is dry, and boring, but it was so enriching and wonderful for me, I just think maybe a blow by blow of my days there is probably not as exciting for you as it was for me.

I think musings is the best way to put it, as usual in my world – so here it is musings of South Dakota… and the wonderful trip it was!

-how refreshing it was to finally get off the plane in Watertown to my family; it had been such a long journey. I walked through the Airport doors and the place erupted into cheers to see me, talk about make a girl feel loved. Oh how I missed my family!

-Mom looks good. She really, really looks good. She’s gained some weight, and her hair has all grown in. she was a sight for sore eyes.

-Mom & I went and got our portraits done at ML Portraits, Inc downtown Watertown. Missy did a really fantastic job… REALLY Fantastic!!!! We are very pleased with our pictures, and I can’t wait to get them in my hot little hands and hung on my wall.

- I ate a lot of really great food when I was home. Taco Johns, Pizza Ranch, Mom & Kathy’s Potato Soup! This is what Dreams are made of!

- Taco Johns, though delicious made me regret eating it… Thanks TJ’s.

- I had a BLAST Christmas shopping at Wal-mart with my Cousin’s Kim & Amanda and my Sissy. I think Wal-Mart is the most fun at 12:00am!

-The boys have gotten so BIG! It was a lot of fun playing with Carter, and I got a big lesson from him in Zhu Zhu pet’s and their armor. Troy is nothing but a little Tony, when I first got there he would come and hold my hand and put his head into me for a side hug, and then punch me and run away. His Doggy pillow pet is what Christmas dreams are made of, he hauled it around the house the entire time I was there. Kyle is a little devil in disguise, don’t let his sweet and innocent face fool you, he’s full of piss and vinegar. I watched him make both of his big brothers cry in a matter of two days – he’s a handful!

-Speaking of getting so big, Did you know that in just two short months my Niece Erica will be a TEENAGER! YIPE! She is so much fun to just sit and talk with, and goof around with! I love having a teenage niece; I think she’s pretty cool shit. I see a lot of Abby in her, which is scary and funny all at the same time! I so need to get her out here to see Forks, she loves Twilight, and we could have so much fun with it!

-I really enjoyed visiting with my Kneeland family – it was a ton of fun watching Alex & Nicolette play basketball! They have quite a bit of talent on their team and beat the Waubay dragons 78-18. It was a little painful, but mostly funny to watch.

- My Nielsen family gift exchange was in rare form with a Birdseed birdhouse and a Michael Jackson Christmas ornament up for grabs. I walked away with said Birdseed Birdhouse, and I’m kind of excited to put it out on my porch to see what we can attract this spring! It was heartwarming to stand in the kitchen and watch the chaos evolve around me when I first arrived at Kathy & Mom’s house.

- I really enjoyed snapping pictures of all the SNOW!

- at one point the temperature hit -22 … burrrrrrrrrr

-I got a nasty cold… that wasn’t fun

-Mom and I had a sleep over every night… that WAS fun!

- My favorite part of the entire trip was the night Mom, Tony, Shannon and I went down to the Bittersweet Lodge for supper. It had been a long time since it was just the 4 of us, and we had a blast!

-My best friend Heidi brought her sister Kari and her daughter Aubrey down for a visit! It was so fun to hang out with the girls again! And her daughter is BEAUTIFUL!

-Mom, Erica and I went and toured the Goss Opera house and the Watertown Confectionary… Pretty stellar.

Just a few smiling moments from my trip to South Dakota… It was such a wonderful 10 day visit, my longest since moving to the Pacific Northwest! I missed Eric and Aquaman, and yes even Gracie a little bit, but not Gracie’s litter box… It’s been a little neglected, I better work on that.

In no particular order...Photos from my Trip...

I was loving taking pictures of the farms and the weather... these shots make me miss South Dakota...
Arriving at the Airport... I was excited!

My "Little" Girl
My Welcome Home Sign!!!

Our Midnight Walmart Run

Mom and Kathy & Their Tank driver hats!
Which I wore for 90% of the trip
My family ... I love them.

Me and my Momma... ML Portraits!!!

Again.. My "Little girl"



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