A couple years back Eric and I decided that buying original artwork from our favorite artists was the way to go at Comicon. There's lots of books, toys and tee shirts but we really don't need a plethora of stuff anymore, but prefer to have some original pieces that we watched the artists create!
Batgirl by Cliff Chiang
The Spirit by Justin Moritat Norman
This is Humberto Ramos drawing our Spiderman (below)
Jonah Hex by Cameron Stewart
Aquaman riding a rubber duck by Scott Campbell
Shazam (Captain Marvel) By ... Joshua... Crap, I can't remember - I'll have to ask Eric when he gets home.
Sandman Mystery Theater by Guy Davis
This is Mike Kindt drawing one of Eric's favorite pieces of the day... Sandman (below)
And Joe Quinones drawing us...

THE JOKER!!! Our favorite piece... hands down!
I picked up these two books for $6 a piece... looking forward to them - their art is beautiful.
And the artist was super duper nice.
This is Maris Wicks...
She was Joe Quinones lady friend who was also a very good little artist... We bought her book after talking to her for a little while.
And now for the artists I was most excited about...
Skottie Young who draws the Wonderful Wizard of Oz...
He drew me this Dorothy piece - and threw in a Toto for free (yay) and then signed all of my first issue books of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Here's Chris Giarusso artist for the Mini Marvels. He drew me a Hulk!
And my favorite artist of the day... he was SUPER nice, and funny, and very thankful to have fans at his table.
Jacob Chabot...
He is the artist for the X-Babies - and he signed my first issues, and also had the writer sign them.
And then, he also drew me Kitty Pryde.
Who is adorable by the way :)
And then - I bought his personal body of work The Mighty Skullboy Army... which I am excited to read! He signed and sketched in every book... and gave me one on the house because he was so excited that I was interested in getting the first one.

Yes, Emerald City Comicon... we will be back next year... Thanks for the wonderful expierence!

Jacob Chabot...