I am smashing all the rest of my pictures together so I get them posted before I reach my 2 week benchmark of being gone.
Saturday night after the beautiful nightfall - Kathy drug me out of the house (somewhat willingly) to buy 61 bags of sunflower seeds for the races. They had not ordered enough so hopping from gas station to gas station is what we did at 11 o'clock on Saturday night.
Sunday Morning was Mother's Day. Mom, Erica and I Hung out most of the day together as Shannie had to work, Kathy & Todd were at the races, and Tony & Julie were out of town with the boys till evening.
There was some time well spent in Mom's favorite chair, then there was some Taco Johns and Shopko shopping. Then we headed out to Tony & Julie's with Nani to celebrate Mother's Day. Making a pit stop on our way to run an errand to County Fair for Kathy to buy 60 bags of tortilla chips - apparently 60 bags was our number.
I wanted to get a photo of each of the boys in their element - Here's Carter reading his Clone Wars Encyclopedia. He's a little book worm - and I love that about him.
Ky man playing in the mud - he's a BOY 110%. At one point we looked outside to see him trying to get out of the wind to pee in the yard. Like I said, BOY.
This is the only Niece my brother ever gave me - Kohl. She's getting arthritis in her front legs - she moves kind of slow these days, but is always excited to see you!
I don't often let anyone else play with my camera... this is why - such an Abby face.
And a photo of my brother NOT in his element - reading two bibles at once!
Troy boy being Troy ... He's a little bit of a sports nut and goes 110 MPH 100% of the time.
A Mother's Day photo.
I could seriously photograph that barn ... all... day... long...
Then Mom, Erica and I headed to the Races just in time to watch the Last Race!
That's my former boss' car... #13 Ryan Engels!
And there they are getting into position
That's my Uncle Todd - watchin them go!
We went home and tucked ourselves into bed early that night - And I told Mom that I had no idea how to top this Mother's Day next year.
Wow for double chinness... but Erica, Shannie and I were sharing the back seat so nicely.
And while I was capturing the boys in their element - this is Erica 100% SASS
Erica being Silly -Shannon Mean Muggin and Tony Being a brother.
Mom's Mothers day Lunch - And yes, this was the best shot of all 4 I took - thank you.
This is much better - I heart my family
Kyman trying on Aunties Derby Socks
This one melts my heart ... okay both of them do.
Then this ensued :)
Love this girl :)
It was so hard to say goodbye... it was such a great trip.
I miss the heartland - mostly I miss the people that are there.