1| Last night we took Aquaman over to see the Frank family! My Co-worker Meg and her husband Keaka invited us over for pizza. We took their kids and ours (Aquaman) to the park and they played until all three of them were nearly exhausted. Leilani and Ikiaka were so excited to play with the puppy! Aquaman was cashed out in the car on the way home, and woke me twice last night by his snoring. They were tuckered out! To say they had fun is obviously an understatement.
2| My friend Madge totally called me out on not posting Ten on Tuesday yesterday -which is why you're getting it today. I thought maybe my TWO posts yesterday would suffice, but I guess not (smile). Thanks for keeping me on track Madge!
3| My Uncle Gene is currently working with a company in Auburn. Gene has spent most of my life (and his I think at this point) in Yuma Arizona and we never got to see eachother much. I'm not sure how long he'll be in the Auburn area, but I'm looking forward to spending some time with him.
4| My Nephews started school yesterday. It hardly seems time to go back, but I guess it is.

6| Eric is headed to a gaming convention this weekend in Seattle. It's something his friend Nathan has ALWAYS wanted him to go to with him, and this year it finally worked out for them to go together! He's very excited, and I am excited too!
7| In direct relation to #6, my weekend will consist of work, derby, cleaning, watching my girlie tv shows and movies, and possibly crafting. Sounds like a dream!
8| There's a bright thing in the sky today - it's called the Sun, it makes me happy, so long as it doesn't turn into a 90 degree day!
9| Skating at Pattisons West tonight - I'm honing in on some of my skate skills, need. to. practice. I have a feeling derby practice on Sunday won't hurt so bad if I take the time to practice a couple times this week. Maybe. Possibly.
10| Today is a New day - I'm going to treat it as such.