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Ten on Tuesday

1| An extra hot Venti White Mocha with Half Syrup was totally a necessity this morning, really, it was. I didn't sleep well. I tossed and turned, and with every toss and turned I quietly whimpered "ow".

2| The "Ow's" are coming from my tight calves and quads as I dove into some Roller Derby practice on Saturday and Sunday. Who knew I had muscles there? Let alone that they were so TENDER once they were used. For those of you who have asked, yes, I'm practicing Roller Derby. I am currently attending the "New Skater" practice for the Jet City Rollergirls of Everett. They have an amazing program, it's only been a week, but I'm loving it.

3| This weekend went by so fast, but Saturday seemed SO LONG. Once I was done with Derby practice, We went for a walk to Eric's favorite coffee joint and bakery; Blue Vanilla. We had vanilla lattes and he had a blueberry scone, and I had a Snicker doodle. Try their Cinnamon rolls or Eclairs, you won't regret it!

4| We tried out a new Indian restaurant this weekend too! Golden Curry Indian in Southcenter. The Owner was SUUUUPER nice. After we were done eating his daughter was helping us pack up our yummy leftovers and she asked us to "like" them on Facebook, and then stepped aside to her father holding up a "Like us on Facebook" sign behind her. So adorable. We'll be back!

5| I am back to my regular job at work after my co-worker had been out for two weeks and I was working in her position. So happy!

6| Life is moving pretty fast right now. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.

7| My Auntie Brendie and I chatted on Facebook last night, that really made me smile.

8| Have I mentioned Dawn and I went to Sazerach's on Friday for Truffle Potato balls! DELISH! We both felt pretty miserable afterwords, but it was so worth it!

9| Eric's life in Seattle is complete, and it's iron clad that we will never move. Potbelly has moved in! It's his FAVORITE sandwich shop from the midwest. His last trip to Chicago he even brought one or two home with him in his carry on from the airport! On Friday I was walking to meet Dawn and happened upon an open one. I stopped and got him a sandwich on my way home, and a banana shake. Then yesterday I stopped again for dinner. I'm hoping the novelty of having one so close will wear off, until then POTBELLY FOR EVERY MEAL (just kidding... Kind of).

10| I get to work on Saturday. The "get" part is a little sarcastic, but not much; I do love my job. I told our COO that I was planning on wearing my skates to make up for any derby practice I was missing, and he told me to go for it! Probably not going to happen. Any ways, Eric and I have a Market day planned for when I get off, I'm super excited, we have so much fun hanging out down there!


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