1| I'm sorry ... I forgot. With all this couch excitement I totally spaced my Ten on Tuesday. Bad Blogger - No cookies!
2| In other news, my commute SUCKS thanks to Viadoom! I don't know what I was expecting but the first night it took me 45 minutes longer than normal, and last night I took 3 modes of transportation and got home 30 minutes faster than the night before. Success.
3| Last night I was working on my Mom's book only to find out an hour later when I closed down the program it froze, and I lost everything that I had been working on for the past hour and a half. Crap. Thank GOD it's a labor of love or I'd be pulling out my hair by now.

4| I hate this formatting... sorry.
5| This morning there was a true blue crazy lady on the bus that, thought someone was following her, and told a fellow commuter that she was not to speak to her because she was black, and crazy lady doesn't talk to people who are not caucasian. Fellow commuter was so surprised I didn't know if she was going to laugh or slap her! It was quite the ride. Thank you Metro.
6| I'm looking to sell my antique camel back trunk soon. I have been debating it for awhile, and though I love that trunk, there's just not much space for it in my life right now, and it really doesn't fit the decor, and it's not in terribly wonderful shape - needs a little TLC from a handyman, and I am not said handyman.
7| Look at our furry kids... this new couch is MAGICAL!
8| English Breakfast Black Tea is my new favorite thing in the world - and Soy latte's. Who knew I'd go from a White Mochaholic to Black Tea and Soy lattes.
9| I have really big plans to clean up my bed room tonight... let's see how that goes
10| I am happy to report the knee is doing better... ICE is still my best friend, but we're on the mend!