When did I become that girl who wakes early on a Saturday morning to make sure she's at the Library when it opens?
When did municipal bonds, flow of funds, and options trading become something I am slightly interested in?
When did my job that I started in Seattle 6 years ago become a "Career".
If I would have told 20 year old Abby - "In 5-7 years, you won't need to know all this history about Martin Luther to do your job" She would have told me I was insane.
It's funny how life takes different turns. How your "Career Goals" when you start college turn out being a hobby, and not a career. It's funny how when I applied to be a receptionist at this firm I was really excited to answer phones and have a real "Desk". Funny how studying once meant hanging out in the Library with Heidi and Liz, not getting anything done, and today I'm committing nearly 7 hours to my task. Series 7 - how you make me grow up. Damn you.
My Husband woke this morning, took the dog for a walk, and then came down to the library to deliver a Soy Latte and a yummy chocolate white chocolate chunk cookie. I love him.
I just need to find the wisdom within to get through this test. I find myself pumped up and ready to go - and 20 questions later discouraged that I got half of them wrong.
It will come together... eventually.
Since I have a hot date to take my Boss and her partner to the airport tomorrow morning at 6am - It also means I have a hot date with my study materials at a local Starbucks till the rest of the world wakes up!
Okay, back to the books. Just had to get this out of my mind before I can absorb everything I need to know about Margin and options accounts. Gross.