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Ten on Tuesday

1| I’m baaack… Okay, maybe a “weekly” post really isn’t for me. Try as I may, I fail. But I’m glad you read anyways. I’m trying to be better.

2| I’ve had a serious case of being bummed out recently. I know I have a lot on my plate, and that losing Mom has been hard, and that my knee is really pissing me off, but man I’m ready to be over it. It sounds simple, like “Just be happy – 123 GO”, trust me it’s not, but I am aware of it, and I am diligently trying to make things better.

3| Eric and I sat down last night and pinned down our vacation for the year. Texas bound we are, in June! I wish I could start going on and on about Texas, but really, I’m not sure what to see while I’m there, I’ve never heard “When you go to Texas you HAVE to…” so I definitely need to do some research. I’m very excited to see Miss Laurel & her hubby Jon though, so good to have friends in places!

4| I went into the doctor’s office yesterday to have my MRI done on my knee. I did really well at laying there for 45 minutes perfectly still. I didn’t have to re-take any of the scans he did, and I didn’t get claustrophobic at all. I think I may have if he had put me all the way in the tube though.

5| I ordered my sister’s birthday present yesterday on a whim. I hope she likes it! I can’t tell you what it is though, because she reads this! I saw it online and knew that’s what I wanted to get her! I love you Sissy!

6| I wrote a list of goals for myself before I turn 29 to my friend Megan the other day and it made me realize where my priorities are… It’s obviously not an “all inclusive” list, but it’s something I’d like to shoot for, though none of the goals are super specific.  1.) Pass the Series 7 & 66   2.) Get my photography hobby in gear   3.) Get back on skates   4.) be a more positive person   5.) Be happy with me   6.) find more time to hang out with Megan.  

7| It’s Valentine’s day. I could care less I guess. We should probably get our “anti-Valentines day” dinner scheduled with the Olesons.

8| My husband is seriously the best guy ever, I don’t have any specific reason to trigger this comment, but there’s something about walking in the door at the end of a very long day to a warm hug and a hot dinner! He’s so super supportive of everything, and I can’t say thank you enough. This post totally makes me think of him, and smile.

9| The Series 7 is reminding me why I hated college and school (in general) so much. Study, study, study. (Grunt, moan, groan)

10|Yesterday was my 900th post on this blog. Who knew I'd make it this far? I have a tenancy to drop things rather quickly, I'm quite proud of this little blog that could.


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