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Ten on Tuesday

1| I am inexplicably crabby today. If answers from me come out in grunts and groans, I’m sorry in advance. I just kind of feel like I have a chip on my shoulder – Need. More. Sleep.

2| After studying for 7 hours on Saturday I was feeling motivated to do more on Sunday – I went to pull out the Love Sac to plug in my computer and all hell broke loose. The beloved Love Sac had created it’s own little infestation of mold against the wall. Eric scrubbed, and I removed the cover to wash when I discovered the mold went all the way through – to the foam.

3| In related news, Rest In Pieces Love sac… Rest in Pieces. 16 garbage bags FULL of stuffing later… We have a LOT more room in our room and I have a lot of ache in my back.

4| I’ve been channeling my inner Wonder Woman lately, and have been star spangling anything I can get my hands on. I guess I’m excited for Comicon! (31 days!)

5| I didn’t watch the Oscars because I was watching the Walking Dead instead. Anyone who is intrigued by the Zombie phenomenon needs to be watching this show… It’s Fantastic!

6| We got our taxes done last night – yeah for returns!

7| To Dawn and Julian – I am glad you’re happy I’m staying… I think of you two every time I click “post”!

8| To Dawn, I’m cheating on you with Megan tonight – we’re going to eat some Potato Truffles, I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. If you can also teach me options trading while we visit, I can make it up to you sooner rather than later!

9| My dear friend (and co-worker) Alex is leaving us at the end of May to pursue his acting/managing dreams, and though I wish him the best. I’m super sad to see him go. He’s been my steady source of sanity for the past 4 years, and it’s been a blessing to have him around. If you’re in the Seattle area you need to check out his group when they’re putting on a play, they’re a fantastic group of talent and I have to put out to word to support Satori always! Thanks Alex, you’re a gem.

10| Relay for Life is coming closer and closer! Get signed up today!

Yes, that’s all I have in me…


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