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Relay Season!

 I'm "Wallpapering" my online presence today with Relay! It dawned on me that I am but a mere 3 months till Relay and I hadn't started my fundraising process at all!

So I'll just start it now - Please consider a donation to Relay for Life!

It's no secret who I relay for - Momma. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish she was here. There's such a hole in my life where she fits so snuggly which now sits only with a warm memory of her.
 When she was diagnosed in 2009 I had these shirts made for our family! We still wear them proudly!
It was so cool to see nearly 60 shirts out on the track last year at Watertown's Relay for Life! 

Relay has been a big part of our fight for Mom. It was my way of supporting her from miles away, and it has grown into 3 separate teams with people walking in her honor in 3 separate cities!

Donate to one, donate to all, we'd be happy with anything! We are supportive of the American Cancer Society for so many reasons. Not only does the ACS provide funding for cancer research but they provide several services for Cancer patients and their families! Mom was blessed to be able to participate in the "Look good feel better" program where they provide Cancer patients with makeup and skin care products to help them learn how to feel beautiful even during chemo treatments! The ACS provides rides to treatment, mentor programs and a 1-800 number for either patients or families to call 24 hours a day if they just need to talk, or if they have questions about their treatment or how the ACS can help them!

Anyone who has been a caregiver or a cancer patient can tell you dealing with Cancer is incredibly difficult, and these services are designed to help lift some of the burdens you are handed.

Okay, I'll jump off my soapbox now.
 Maybe not quite yet - I'm on a roll...
Help me fight cancer...

Help other families be able to have a few more years with their loved ones because of the treatments that the American Cancer Society is funding every day!

Help me provide some quality life, to quality people.

 When Mom was diagnosed she had stage 3B lung cancer. She developed stage 4 after a year and a half of fighting. 3B lung cancer patients live an average of 6 months to a year. We were so blessed to get two whole years with her!

Two whole years - with days and days of perfect memories and many times to say I love you!

A few more hugs, a few more kisses meant the world.
I fight for my Mom because I would give anything for her to be back here for me to call every day.

So I Relay to help give some other girl in this world just a few more days with her Mom.

I relay in her Memory, because I will never EVER give up the fight!

And thank you for all your love and support through out the past two years. It has been the craziest journey of my life, I have grown and become a different person because of it. But I like to think it's a person my Mom would be proud of.

Let's make a difference!


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